Energy efficiency audits
ISO 50001
Currently, modern European companies are oriented towards reducing energy consumption. Actions that enhance energy efficiency have a positive impact not only on the natural environment but also on economic savings. One of the most useful and effective tools that enable the reduction of energy consumption and related costs is an Energy Management System compliant with the PN-EN ISO 50001.

What is an Energy Management System (EnMS)?
The Energy Management System (EnMS) is a set of interconnected elements that allow for the improvement of a company’s energy performance. The PN-EN ISO 50001 standard helps in developing an effective EMS. The goal of these actions is to reduce energy consumption and lower costs. Implementing an EMS compliant with the PN-EN ISO 50001 standard does not impose the obligation to achieve specific energy performance values. Instead, the Energy Management System guides on what to do to systematize and measure the actions taken towards reducing energy consumption.
Who is the Energy Management System (EnMS) for?
The implementation of an Energy Management System compliant with the PN-EN ISO 50001 standard is intended for all companies, regardless of their size or type of business. In the latest edition, the standard has been integrated with PN-EN ISO 9001 and PN-EN ISO 14001, making it easier to implement (if the company already has a Quality Management System and/or an Environmental Management System). However, the standard can also be implemented independently.
From this year, the new EU Directive 2023/1791 is in force, which requires the introduction of the ISO 5001 Energy Management System by every enterprise that consumes at least 85TJ of energy per year, including all energy carriers. It also imposes the obligation to perform an Enterprise Energy Audit if the enterprise consumes at least 10TJ of energy per year, including all energy carriers.
Benefits of implementing an EnMS compliant with PN-EN ISO 50001
Enetech’s offer
- Comprehensive implementation of an Energy Management System compliant with the PN-EN ISO 50001:2018 standard.
- Consultancy during the implementation process.
- Development of an energy review.
- Identification of areas with significant energy consumption.
- Establishment of energy performance indicators and baseline energy values.
- Creation of the company’s energy policy.
- Guidance in setting energy objectives and tasks.
- Expert support during the certification audit.
- Training services on the PN-EN ISO 50001:2018 standard.
- Integration of the Energy Management System with existing management systems (PN-EN ISO 9001 and PN-EN ISO 14001).
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