Cold and heat storage
Cold and heat storage
Introduction of any new technology to the market involves years of design, testing, and research. The final product requires further refinements and exploration of new possibilities for its development and application. The Enetech team is constantly working on advancing its products. Since 2021, in consortium with Uniserv S.A., we have been participating in a research and development project commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development.
Innovative heat and cold storage technology
The aim of the NCR&D project is to install a heat and cold supply system in a residential building using Enetech heat storage units.
The system created by us combines a proven and well-known solution of a heat pump and a refrigeration unit with heat and cold storage based on phase change materials. The entire system works in conjunction with a photovoltaic installation and is managed by a controller that reduces the costs of supplying heat and cold to the building.
The project’s assumptions are explained in detail in the material published by the National Centre for Research and Development. Tomasz Rożek presents the project idea and the benefits of its implementation.
Modern solutions in Enetech heat and cold storage units
The system parameters and the need to consider economic aspects (operation costs, purchase, and installation) required our team to implement many modern solutions that have not been seen before in pilot projects of other manufacturers or commercial products.
Thanks to Enetech’s participation in the NCBiR (National Centre for Research and Development – pl. Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju) project, we are improving our heat and cold storage units both in terms of design and the use of phase change materials. This experience is extremely valuable to us. Integrating heat and cold storage with their production systems is still a challenge in the market, which motivates us to constantly develop and improve the product that will reach the customer as a tested, ready, and fully functional device.